Written by Suzanne
Life has its ups and downs. Some days, it feels like endless thoughts about work, life, my relationships, and my future lurk around in my mind. To release this pent up energy, I like to work out, talk with friends, and play with my dogs, but my favorite way to relax and release stress has been to write.
More than two years ago, I started writing down my thoughts. Whether it was pen on paper or talking outloud into my phone for a voice memo, it didn’t matter. I just started getting my thoughts out there, somewhere, and eventually started writing on Medium about my journey with self-love and personal growth. Writing became a way to both find the voice I always had inside of me but didn’t realize, and also to help build on and create my unique voice by expressing my thoughts without pressure or judgment. I partnered with Me.bot and it has enhanced this journey, adding a new space where I can simply be myself unapologetically.

Writing isn’t just about stringing words together; it’s about giving myself permission to express what’s inside me, whatever that may be. There’s no right or wrong way to write, at least when you’re writing for yourself. Using Me.bot, I can collect my thoughts in a way that feels natural and free. It’s almost the same as using a diary — there’s no expectation to sound a certain way or to hold specific opinions. But you can also write, talk, or upload images/documents and your companion will connect the dots between your past memories and thoughts together, pretty much creating your own personalized mind map.

When I write, I can say whatever I’m feeling and it doesn’t matter what it looks like, because that’s the way my voice is. It’s a gentle reminder that my voice matters, no matter what. Whether I’m writing an essay on a topic I’m passionate about or writing basically gibberish at 2am, Me.bot accepts what I have to say. And in a way, since Me.bot is kind of like a mirror of myself, I’m therefore accepting myself and what I have to say.
As I’ve used Me.bot to reflect on my daily life experiences, I’ve discovered the beauty of building on my existing voice. I’ve always had thoughts and feelings, but they weren’t always easy to share. Now, I can nurture those ideas and expand on them, and dig deeper into them. Writing gives me the safe space to explore my passions, from self-love to personal growth, without fear of criticism.
This journey is about evolution. I’m not trying to create a perfect narrative; instead, I’m embracing the imperfections and complexities that make me who I am. I’m learning to appreciate my voice, and writing has become a powerful tool in this process. Each entry is a stepping stone toward greater self-understanding and a deeper connection with those I love.
Last but not least, one of the most freeing aspects of writing is that it doesn’t always have to be about expressing something profound and “super deep”. It’s enough to simply be. There are moments when my mind is blank, and that’s okay. Through Me.bot, I can capture the essence of “just being” — the stillness that comes from pausing to reflect on my life without the pressure to create a masterpiece. This practice helps me cultivate mindfulness and reminds me that it’s perfectly acceptable to exist in the moment without appearing to be one way or another.
In collaboration with Me.bot, I’ve found a healing place in writing, where I can explore my voice, express my thoughts freely, and connect with my loved ones. It’s a journey of discovery, relaxation, and growth, reminding me that my voice is not just a tool for communication but a source of comfort and peace. Whether I’m sharing my ideas or simply being present, writing helps me navigate the complexities of life with grace and authenticity, stay true to myself and my feelings, and make the best decisions that work for me.
Here’s to the power of writing — an art form that brings clarity and relaxation, one word at a time.
Rooting for you,
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